
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

My First Try

   Hey all, several of my buddies have blogs relating to their gaming hobby and I was recently encouraged by my Friend Thomas to start a blog since I apparently have the time to maintain one.
   I may wholeheartedly disagree with that sentiment but I decided to give it a shot and see what happens. Anyways, here's hoping I can make a go of this with plenty of pics of my addled attempt to collect, paint, and even game miniatures.  As I familiarize myself with this I will add links to my favorite blogs(which are many, I admit) and hopefully someone will actually think mine is interesting enough to follow.  Cheers.


  1. Very nice Edgar. Off to a great start with all that time you have on your hands! LOL. Keep up the good work.
    Very nice Samurai, BTW!!

  2. Nice start. I'd like to see up some pictures of our last offering at Havoc and plans for the future Havoc.

  3. Thanks, kids! I'll see what I can do. HAVOC pics are probably too grainy, but I'll look into it.

  4. Quote of the day: By the time the new miniatures I've ordered have reached my house; Edgar has moved on to a new set of rules.
